Hybrid distribution: Satellite and OTT in Sync
Imagine watching Formula 1: right before the final, the frame freezes. While viewers’ anxiety and frustration build up, the race is back on, but the first three finalists have crossed the finish line. Even if your audience has watched the entire race in Ultra High Definition without any delays, these 6 seconds delay are likely to erase any connotations to the otherwise positive experience.
The evolution of content distribution
Jitter and packet loss are terms viewers are not familiar with, however errors in video transmission hinder their experience. While any content owner can experience issues with content delivery, the solution is not always the same for everyone. Content can be distributed through different methods depending on:
● the location of broadcasting,
● where the content should be delivered,
● and what kind it is;
Technology development in the video landscape now allows for all these factors to be considered and an effective low latency solution already exists.
Earlier this year, SES announced our new hybrid distribution solution: Satellite & OTT in sync. Through our satellites we can deliver OTT content everywhere, without the delays other distribution methods sometimes have, especially when streaming UHD or 4K content.
Through Satellite & OTT in Sync, we enable content owners to deliver the ultimate viewer experience to their audiences. Considering how new this technology is, Marchus Placho - Vice President of Poducts at SES, explains in Satellite Stories - our new podcast series, on how the industry is evolving:
“There are a lot of options as the industry speeded up tremendously. We are having a lot of options on how to distribute content, because technology evolved, so it’s not only distributing content via satellite. It’s distributing content via IP. You can also have different consumption models like On-Demand, Linear, store the content for later consumption;"
Trial & error: Content monetisation
Beyond the technology of Satellite and OTT in Sync, what does SES bring through this hybrid distribution model to our customers?
“SES is bringing a huge amount of assets based on the satellite fleet, and through it we can provide a lot of additional services to our customers. Content distribution today is not only via satellite, it’s also via IP, so how do you monetise this content? Getting a subscription fee from your customers, are you monetising that through advertisements, are you clipping the content and providing it to 3rd party TV platforms, or providing it to social media platforms?” to that Markus adds: “You can monetise via different business models, where advertisement is a huge part of the monetisation piece.”
Redefining delivery: Hybrid distribution
When content is received, it can be distributed globally either through satellite or over-the-top networks. That allows us to optimise content delivery in a manner specific to your requirements and through that, you can provide the ultimate viewer experience.