Critical Human Needs
We deliver reliable, high-speed connectivity and pioneer new technologies that are not only changing the face of digitisation but also boosting economies, creating opportunities and even saving lives—particularly in remote or underserved regions. Billions of people are unconnected leading to worse outcomes on a variety of metrics including access to education and health. We believe our products and services are making a meaningful impact with connectivity and content but want to do this in close collaboration with all the stakeholders - governments, global institutions, NGOs, content providers, our customers, and partners.
Access to broadband services is a well-known indicator of a thriving community as it provides for critical human needs of a population including emergency aide, health, financial and educational access. We work with governments, telecommunications providers, and non-governmental organisations in communities around the globe to close the digital divide and build out infrastructure to connect the unconnected. Crises, conflicts, natural disasters, and climate change impacts increase the complexity of the problems faced, which is why SES is continuously improving its humanitarian response putting a special emphasis on innovation.
Our targets
Drive SES connectivity in developing nations and measure the number of connected sites year over year in alignment with SDG 9 target 9.c
Continue to support communities in crisis with mission critical disaster response capabilities including capacity building in disaster prone countries