Close-Up with Microsoft Video Series
SES prioritises working with partners committed to empowering customers. Microsoft Azure—which has made significant investments in lowering the barriers to accessing cloud services via space connectivity—shares our vision.
Meet Our Speakers
Before jumping into the topic of Cloud, watch this video and meet our key speakers including JP Hemingway and Shira Levine from SES and Yves Pitsch, Lynn McDonald and Ewald Schrap from Microsoft Azure.
SES & Microsoft
The cloud is at the centre of SES’s long-term vision. Nearly two-thirds of the traffic transmitted over SES's satellites is pointed towards the cloud, and the amount of cloud data routed through satellite links is projected to increase exponentially over the next 10 years. Tune in to hear more about why SES cares about cloud and why Microsoft Azure cares about space.
Optimising Cloud and Satellite
At SES, we prioritise working with partners committed to empowering customers. Microsoft Azure—which has made significant investments in lowering the barriers to accessing cloud services via space connectivity—shares our vision. Find out how our teams are working together to build a cloud ecosystem.
Our Customers and Prospects
In this video Shira Levine, Portfolio & Segment Marketing Lead for Cloud at SES, and Ewald Schrap, Principal Program Manager for Azure Global, explain what Cloud means for Telco, Enterprise, Mobility and Government. Why is Cloud important? What benefit does it bring to these customer segments?
Looking to the Future
With leading-edge, cloud-ready solutions, including our Azure Orbital partnership and SES’s O3b mPOWER system, we’re doing the extraordinary in space to unlock new possibilities for governments, businesses, and individuals everywhere. Find out how we are looking to enable customers to generate richer, more holistic insights by seamlessly integrating 5G, IoT, and AI application data gathered from every location they operate in.
Download the Microsoft booklet PDF that includes:
- a summary of the entire video series
- deeper insights into the topics discussed
- links to related content and case studies

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