Analysts & Consensus
The following stockbroking firms have published reports on SES in the last 12 months.
Entity | Analyst | Phone number |
Bank of America Merrill Lynch | Ben Heelan | +44 207 628 1000 |
Barclays Capital | Nick Dempsey | +44 207 623 2323 |
Bernstein | Aleksander Peterc | +44 207 762 4785 |
BNP Paribas | Sami Kassab | +44 207 039 9400 |
Bryan, Garnier & Co | Antoine Lebourgeois | +33 1 70 36 57 04 |
Deutsche Bank | Roshan Ranjit | +44 207 5452 908 |
Goldman Sachs | Andrew Lee | +44 20 7774 1383 |
J.P. Morgan | Akhil Dattani | +44 207 134 4725 |
Kepler Cheuvreux | Alessandro Cuglietta | +33 1 70 81 57 66 |
Morgan Stanley | Terence Tsui | +44 207 425 3095 |
Oddo BHF | Stéphane Beyazian | +33 4 72 68 27 23 |
View the latest analysts' consensus estimates
The Analysts' Consensus Estimates for SES provided via the link on this website are for informational purposes only and are provided only for the convenience of investors and analysts.
The Analysts' Consensus Estimates are not SES-prepared estimates, forecasts, predictions or projections. SES has had no involvement in the preparation of the Analysts' Consensus Estimates or in any analyst's estimate that may have formed part of the Analysts' Consensus Estimates. SES does not endorse or approve the Analysts' Consensus Estimates or any underlying analyst's estimate that may have formed part of the Analysts' Consensus Estimates. SES is not adopting the Analysts' Consensus Estimates. SES declines any liability with regard to investors’ and other third parties’ relying on the Analysts' Consensus Estimates. Investors are warned that reliance on the Analysts' Consensus Estimates as part of their investment decision could result in a loss, especially if SES fails to meet the Analysts’ Consensus Estimates. Furthermore, SES provides no assurance with regard to the accuracy or correctness of the Analysts' Consensus Estimates.