Close-Up with HD+ Video Series
In a world of limitless viewing options, how do you stay relevant? Join us as we speak to the HD+ team and special guest, Chief Distribution Officer from Sport1, about the ever-changing world of video consumption and distribution.
The HD+ Story
Why and how did HD+ come to fruition? What problem did it solve for broadcasters in the German market back in 2009? Join Norbert Hölzle, Managing Director at HD+, to find out more.
Power of Partnerships
HD+ is focused on solving the customer problem and ensuring end user demand is met. Join Andreas Gerhardt, Chief Distribution Officer at Sport1, who has been a customer of HD+ since day one.
Download the HD+ booklet PDF that includes:
- a summary of the entire video series
- deeper insights into the topics discussed
- links to related content and case studies

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