SES Announces Total Reach of 361 Million TV Homes Worldwide

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SES Announces Total Reach of 361 Million TV Homes Worldwide

Annual market research solidifies SES’s position as a global leader in content delivery over satellite

Luxembourg, 23 March 2021 – SES announced today the results of its annual Satellite Monitor market research, the industry’s premier accounting of satellite’s TV reach, which underscore SES’s established position as a leader in enabling direct and indirect content delivery via satellite. SES continues to lead the industry by delivering 8,265 channels, with almost 3,000 of them in HD, to a total of 361 million households worldwide.

This year’s Satellite Monitor survey showed continued growth across Europe (+2 million households) and Africa (+2 million households). At SES’s prime orbital neighbourhood of 19.2 degrees East, SES’s satellites now serve an unparalleled 118 million households or over 43 percent of all European TV homes. The number of TV homes receiving HD content from 19.2 degrees East also continued to increase to 84 percent, representing an increase of almost 30 percent over the past five years.  

In Africa, SES has also seen its TV reach increase in the Ethiopian TV market as a result of establishing Ethiopia's first-ever dedicated TV platform, Ethiosat, on NSS-12 at 57 degrees East. The TV penetration in Ethiopia has tripled compared to four years ago and is at 49 percent in YE 2020.

The following table shows the 2020 Satellite Monitor regional breakdown of SES’s TV home reach:


TV homes


170 million

North America

65 million

Latin America

42 million


37 million

Asia Pacific

33 million

Middle East

13 million

Overall, SES’s reach to TV homes is marginally down this year largely due to a change in reporting methodology implemented by the regulatory authority in India requiring a new definition of active subscribers.

Additionally, key trends have been identified in the European market:

•    HD and UHD growth – satellite remains the platform of choice for HD, representing nearly 40 percent of HD TV homes and almost the same as cable and IPTV homes combined. In addition, UHD screens increased 5 percentage points since 2019 and are now present in 20 percent of European TV homes.

•    OTT content is complementary – Over-the-top TV complements and does not replace linear TV. Over the past five years OTT TV has grown by 138 percent whereas traditional linear TV – whether through satellite, cable, IPTV or terrestrial – has largely remained stable.  

“An industry bellwether report, this year’s Satellite Monitor survey once again confirms SES’s established leadership position in terms of our global reach combined with our focus on delivering the most immersive viewing experience through HD and UHD content. The COVID-19 pandemic has driven content consumption higher than ever, and in large parts of the world, linear TV remains the primary choice for people to consume news and information. We will continue to innovate to enable our video customers to reach as many audiences as possible via multiple screens,” said Steve Collar, CEO at SES.

For further information please contact:

Suzanne Ong    
External Communications
Tel. +352 710 725 500
[email protected]

About SES

SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless connectivity around the world. As the leader in global content connectivity solutions, SES operates the world’s only multi-orbit constellation of satellites with the unique combination of global coverage and high performance, including the commercially-proven, low-latency Medium Earth Orbit O3b system. By leveraging a vast and intelligent, cloud-enabled network, SES is able to deliver high-quality connectivity solutions anywhere on land, at sea or in the air, and is a trusted partner to the world’s leading telecommunications companies, mobile network operators, governments, connectivity and cloud service providers, broadcasters, video platform operators and content owners. SES’s video network carries over 8,200 channels and has an unparalleled reach of 361 million households, delivering managed media services for both linear and non-linear content. The company is listed on Paris and Luxembourg stock exchanges (Ticker: SESG). Further information is available at: