Bluesky launches 4G+ to boost coverage and better experience

John Turnbull
Bluesky launches 4G+ to boost coverage and better experience

This blog post was published before O3b Networks transitioned to SES Networks.

I am proud to report that on March 24, 2017 The Cook Islands residents received access to the world’s fastest commercial mobile network service for the first time. This significant achievement reflects the commitment of SES Networks and our customer, Bluesky Cook Islands in providing the best service available to communities in Asia Pacific and around the world.

Historically, getting reliable mobile coverage on a remote island has been extremely difficult. Often times residents are stuck with expensive options and sluggish connectivity. However, SES Networks and Bluesky have worked hard to improve the mobile network capability throughout the Cook Islands.

The launch of 4G+ service in the Cook Islands is a direct result of SES Networks and Bluesky’s dedication to ensuring that the region has access to mainland opportunities, and remains relevant in the global marketplace. With O3b’s satellite technology, Bluesky is able to provide residents with a better mobile data experience; ultimately translating to increased productivity, expanded business opportunities and exciting new entertainment options.

Since the successful launch of the 4G+ service, the response from both residents and businesses has been tremendous. Cook Islands Prime Minister, Henry Puna, is extremely pleased with the impact that the increased connectivity has given their community. Puna shared that “SES Networks has helped connect us to the rest of the world, given us faster broadband, faster service and in the process we’ve seen a lot of benefits”.

Healthcare in particular is one area the Prime Minister is thrilled to see improve. “The challenges we’re facing recruiting doctors to serve the outer islands; it’s a real problem now, but we can overcome that with better connectivity,” Puna said.

In addition, the educational programs have already seen the benefits of having increased connectivity and faster broadband. One student in particular “developed a medical app, and is prepared to develop that app back here in the Cook Islands, and market it worldwide as a Cook Islands initiative” said the Prime Minister. “Those are the opportunities we are looking forward to unearthing and developing here, in our own country”.

The Bluesky team is also very excited to see the potential that increased connectivity will bring to Cook Islands and the opportunities that will arise from having 4G+ service. “The live performance benchmark tests on 4G+ has been brilliant,” stated Bluesky CTO, Robert McFadzien. “The team is very excited as it is an enabler for developing other enhanced services.”

SES Networks is thrilled to see the significant impact that this service has had in helping Bluesky achieve their mission of providing the Cook Islands with the highest level of mobile connectivity.